10 October 2012

World Mental Health Day in Rochdale

Kerry and I ventured over to Rochdale to promote Cartwheel at the World Mental Health Day event in The Wheatsheaf Centre. We engaged people in the String of Change activity, in which participants thought about change in their life, wrote an example of this onto a triangle of paper, and then rolled this into a bead for the String. We filled the length of rope easily, as visitors were quite willing to get involved, and sometimes make more than one. Looking back it might have been nice to make the paper for participants write the changes on more co-ordinated, or make a pattern from the varying sizes of the beads to make it more visually appealing for when it is photographed. (Could still be possible to re-arrange the beads prior to this?)

I had never manned an informational-type stall before, and most people were chattier than when there’s the possibility you might try to sell them something. When visitors asked me questions about Cartweel’s projects/aims/history I was mostly able to answer them, which made me feel like a real part of the team and added a great feelgood factor to the day. 

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